
Chris is trying to gently point out to you, as I was, that you're the one who's 
sucked up the most LWG time lately and thus making your suggestions on how they 
sound their time is a bit odd.

Ignoring the point isn't helping.



On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:25, TimSC <mappingli...@sheerman-chase.org.uk> wrote:

> On 20/06/11 18:11, Chris Hill wrote:
>>> It seems to me the same issues come up again and again, but never 
>>> concluded, so it is not necessarily the fault of the person asking the 
>>> question (or even of the LWG). I suggest that people directly trying to 
>>> communicate with the LWG is a symptom and not a cause of the communication 
>>> problem.
>> And exactly how did making a long list of personal demands at the eleventh 
>> hour help with that process?
> Ok, just sanity check here - I looked at subject line as to what we are 
> talking about - which is communication difficulties and LWG and related 
> issues. Part of the problem in OSM mailing lists is that discussions keep 
> going off topic and this is even directly after I raised it as a problem. 
> Given that is a significant problem, the question is how do we address it?
> I suggest list moderation (which is community lead, not by a dictator) and a 
> high standard of behavior set by the community leaders. (Yes, admittedly 
> moderation takes volunteers but we need to agree on a plan before 
> implementing it.) Can anyone think of a better plan?
> Regards,
> TimSC
> PS I plan to disregard, as much as I can, all non-constructive input. I will 
> probably only be partly successful though.
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