Awesome. Can you go run that project and leave us in peace then please?


On 7/7/2011 12:35 AM, 80n wrote:
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Frederik Ramm < <>> wrote:


      when discussing these things with the person who goes by the
    pseudonym of "John Smith", keep in mind that he is spending a lot
    of time building/supporting an OpenStreetMap "fork".

    The forkers, as I like to call them, are driven by all kinds of
    motivations, the most benign probably being a sincere worry about
    data loss - they believe that the license change is going to hurt
    OSM so much that they must do all they can do retain a live copy
    of the "old OSM", or even dissuade OSMF from changing altogether.

I'm sure you've been paying attention an know full well that the reason <> exists is because we have grave concerns about the new license. The only thing we are forking is the license, we are not forking the tagging scheme or the community or even the objectives of OSM.

Data loss is your problem not ours. I see people doing thought experiments about how they can get around the wishes of contributors who have, in good faith, provided their content under the CC license. Those people who have not agreed to the CT have not consented for their content to be used in any other way. You should respect that.

A main objective of OSM was to create maps that were free enough to be used by everyone. Anything that steps across the line will taint OSM with the impurity that we strived for so long to avoid.

There will forever be doubt about the provenance of OSM data.


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