On 03.08.2011 22:23, Josh Doe wrote:
Very cool, thanks for sharing! Perhaps you could allow for customizing
the bounding box. For example I've hardly edited anything outside of my
state in the US, so I just have a tiny blob. Perhaps you could have
country/state presets as well.

I should have mentioned this earlier. I got quite a few requests for a zoom function already.

I have prepared the data for zoom functionality already but am still working on the best way to implement it.
So instead of letting you wait I started with a fixed zoom on global level.

What would be the coolest way to zoom? I thought of a slippy map with transparency above the regular tiles.
Others mentioned presets like continent/country.
I could also imagine to let you set an arbitrary bounding box based on a zoom level. eg you say you want to see zoom level 13 and then you get a bounding box that you can place over the area of interest.


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