On Wednesday, August 3, 2011 9:49:18 PM UTC-5, Josh Doe wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Stephan Knauss <o...@stephans-server.de>wrote:
>> What would be the coolest way to zoom? I thought of a slippy map with 
>> transparency above the regular tiles.
>> Others mentioned presets like continent/country.
>> I could also imagine to let you set an arbitrary bounding box based on a 
>> zoom level.
>> eg you say you want to see zoom level 13 and then you get a bounding box 
>> that you can place over the area of interest.
> Coolest would definitely be transparent tiles, as it's the most versatile. 
> You (or others) could then implement presets for countries/states, take 
> advantage of OpenLayers shift+click+drag zoom functionality, etc.

You may want to consider using Google's Fusion Tables for this. Their map 
view will generate heat maps out of millions of points quite quickly. Plus, 
you could easily add a selection to narrow the maps down by user. I don't 
think you need to display Fusion Tables tiles in their API, either. 
Technically it's easy to add to OpenLayers but their terms might say 
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