I don't think I even remotely implied that the ranking on odbl.de was fair, just simply
that it exists and is in use.

And. naturally any "fair" ranking should take in to account the time spent creating and editing web pages, answering questions (irc and help) and many other things ....


Am 08.09.2011 10:32, schrieb Stephan Knauss:
Simon Poole writes:
We naturally already have fairly extensive user rankings, see odbl.de.
This is a ranking which counts who was the last one touching an object. As Maurizio already pointed out this is not too meaningful as it says nothing about the quality of edits. If I want to have a higher rank I simply select some big polygon and move it a few centimeters. Or write a script that inserts a new node in the middle of existing nodes of a way. You push up your rank without creating more value. So taking into account other metrics to calculate the merit sounds reasonable. Actually going outside to add street names is with the current metric less valuable than armchair mapping roads from bing. Merit has to take into account the time effort donated to OSM in some way.

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