Jonathan Waller wrote:
With regards to solution 1) I have never noticed a sliproad onto a roundabout
tagged as junction=roundabout (UK East Midlands).  Where is this common
practice?  If this is not too widely used then it might be worth retagging, but
I don't know how easy it would be to automatically detect these.

Certainly the roundabouts near here all have islands in the middle of the approach, so these need to be mapped, if only for the pedestrian route around them. They are all tagged as part of the approach road, but obviously have the correct direction arrows ... which they need!

I think the main problem here is not so much anything to do with OSM, but how the portable devices work. TomTom has this very annoying habit of announcing some silly side road or even layby as a junction then totally ignoring the merges with a motorway a mile or so later. It is the interpretation of the data that is the problem, not the data itself, and if anything that needs to be handled in the conversion process to the device not on the raw map? Bodging the data so that the device does what you want ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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