
On 10/11/2011 09:00 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:
It's also a fact that a lot of people/organizations, when we tell them
"Run your own tileserver", don't want to. And they also don't want to
use a third party tile service. They don't want to because they aren't
interested in a "Mapworld Map" or a "Sunmap Map"- they want an
OpenStreetMap map.

Yes but there is no OpenStreetMap map. There is an OpenStreetMap database.

I also suggested an "Endorsed vendor" program, but I guess that was
dismissed by the Powers That Be?

I think it is going to be very difficult for OSMF to endorse vendors. After all, we wouldn't simply want to "endorse" someone just because he gives us $$$. So we'd need to have a "qualified vendor" programme where we make sure that we endorse only people who really know their stuff. An interesting area but there's a lot of work down that road.

We spend a lot of resources blocking bad actors. We then spend a lot
of time/energy/effort trying to get them to use commercial vendors
(who we have no association with) or to run their own. A lot of these
guys don't want to run their own; it's not their interest and not
their domain, and they want to be associated with us.

I see that as an opportunity to work with them. Instead of pushing
them away, we can work with them.

That is possible but the operative word is "WORK". A commercial operation will have to use different processes. A commercial operation could not simply change their map style overnight without telling anybody (like we do). A commercial operation would have to guarantee certain service levels (which we don't). If one of your commercial users runs amok and adversely affects the others, then you cannot tell the others "sorry but there was a bad guy" (like we currently do) - they will ask to be protected from that. And so on.

My point is that you cannot simply do commerical tiles on the side - it requires business planning, product and pricing design, and paid staff to make it happen. Staff that must be overseen of course, and business risks that must be taken into account. All that creates a lot of work and I am not sure if there will be a net benefit. You make it sound as if selling tiles was a low-hanging fruit that we would be foolish to ignore. From my own business experience, I tend to disagree.

I also disagree with your point that tile users "do not want someone else's map but they want OpenStreetMap". After all, attribution requires that if you buy OSM tiles from Cloudmade or Geofabrik or use the free MapQuest ones, you will always have to attribute them to OpenStreetMap. I don't think that many people make the difference you are making ("yeah I know this is OpenStreetMap data and OpenStreetMap styles that $VENDOR uses to produce tiles bit I want THE REAL OPENSTREETMAP!!!"). Au contraire - as a project, we are very interested in people *not* taking our Mapnik tiles as "THE REAL OPENSTREETMAP".


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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