What I like so far about this book over the other ones - that I have
not read, but I have seen their ToC - is the scope which is decidedly
more limited. That makes it a better guidebook for the aspiring mapper
than the other two that are undoubtedly more comprehensive, but for
that reason also less attractive for newcomers.

The fact that it's all open source - aren't the other ones? I'm
surprised! - helps a lot too.


On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Ian <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jochen,
> In regard to the other books already available:
> - Had we known we were going to write a book, I might have thought twice
> about creating a third one.
> - Once we did know we were writing a book, we decided that having an open
> source, low-cost alternative to the existing $40+ books was a good thing
> - We'd like for this book to eventually become a handy beginner's guide to
> use in locations that don't have a solid internet connection. The existing
> books don't serve the "beginner's guide" purpose.
> That being said, we did browse both books to see what existing material was
> covered and attempted to cover new material or cover existing, beginner's
> stuff better.
> If you don't think we did that, I'd love to get patches.

martijn van exel
geospatial omnivore
1109 1st ave #2
salt lake city, ut 84103

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