Hallo Kai,

Thanks to your packaging I was able to set up my very own tile server.
I downloaded an Ubuntu VirtualBox VM and I had to look at your wiki
page for some clues, but after a few hours I did manage it. Oddly the
tiles were not being served to other computers. In your html source
there is a mention of localhost, which I had to change into the actual
address of the VM.

To get the initial import to succeed for Belgium, I had to assign 2,5
GB of RAM to the VM. Now I assigned 1,5GB to it and the updates and
rendering are working well, no swapping is going on.

This is setup on my portable and I was wondering: Do I have to set a
cron job for the tiles-update-expire to run every hour? What happens
when I switch off my portable. Will the changes of the past night all
be applied with the first run of the tiles-update-expire script? Or
should I run this script every 20 minutes, in the morning, so it can
catch up?

I've been running it almost continuously for the past few hours and it
always seems to have a lot of work to do...

Anyway, now I'll have to work on adding layers for cycling, hiking,
horseback and bus routes and their stylesheets.

Thanks for making this possible,


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