Actually it is worth to notice that Osmand is free and open-source.
Osmand+ is the ' donation' version, and night ly build is also available for 
free from google-code.
Digging a little, you'll also find ski map and contour lines for Osmand :)
Envoyé de mon téléphone Android avec K-9 Mail. Excusez la brièveté.

David Paleino <> a écrit :

On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:54:14 +0530, Parveen Arora wrote:

> Please let me know some good application to use vector data of osm on
> android phone becase tiles needs a lot of bandwidth to access the maps
> easily.
> I have tried many applications but not found any satisfactory applocation
> till now.
> All the applications availble are third party applications and ask to pay
> for them at some point.

I use OsmAnd, and I'm very satisfied with it.

It has vector rendering, it has POI-search, it can do offline routing, as well
as online (using CloudMade or YOURS). It can also be used for simple mapping
things (add POIs, save GPX track), but I haven't used them (I use OSMTracker
for mapping).

Also, it seems to use the PBF format, and I currently have all Italy loaded on
my Samsung Galaxy Next. It also has voices available for quite some languages.

If you look in the Android Market, you see "OsmAnd" and "OsmAnd+" -- the first
is free, but won't get updates, the second is quite cheap (it's 3€ here, don't
know what your currency is, and gets updates. But they are also on the F-Droid
market. [0]


P.S.: no, I'm not affiliated in any way with OsmAnd, I'm just a happy user :)


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