On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:03 PM, David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com>wrote:

> On 13/12/2011 21:38, 80n wrote:
>> You've known for quite some time that non-CT content will ultimately get
>> deleted.
> The original promise was that it requires a critical mass to proceed.
> According to the OSMF wiki there are fewer than three quarters agreeing,
> and some of the major countries will lose nearly half their ways according
> to http://odbl.de/ .

David, many people have been coerced or suckered into agreeing.  I've been
badgered many times (including three times today, on this very thread by an
OSMF board member).

Many people have been railroaded into compliance by threats that their
contributions will be deleted, despite this being patently untrue (there is
at least one fork that will not delete anyone's data).

You should probably never believe in promises from politicians, especially
if they don't have a viable plan for how they will achive it,

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