I am putting out a request for surveys of Romano-British features to include in 
my attempt to create a map of Roman era Britain.

Suggested features:
Roads & Bridges
Camps, Stations & settlements
Cemeteries & Temples
Town & City walls and Gates

Ideally details would include feature name, feature type, period, submitter 
name, source, reliability.

Preferred format is MapInfo, ESRI Shape file or osm xml, I know I can process 
these formats - other formats I would have to struggle with.

I have already collected what I can recognise as roman from OSM and I'm after 
feature that are too ephemeral for inclusion in OSM, eg. excerpts from 
archaeological investigations etc.

My goal is to make the results available in an online system, either OSM-like 
or QGIS server.

thanks in advance

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