On Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:35:07 +0000
Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mick,
> There's plenty of resources out there that you should be able to gleam data
> from. A short list, for example:
> http://pleiades.stoa.org/home
> http://www.ahds.ac.uk/archaeology/collections/index.htm
> http://finds.org.uk/
> https://googleancientplaces.wordpress.com/
> http://mapdata.thehumanjourney.net/vgswandb_map.html
> http://library.thehumanjourney.net/view/subjects/UK-Roman.html
> http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/projects/period/roman
> [Disclaimer, I'm responsible for one or two of those]
> Some of these will give you data in formats you've asked for - plenty more
> wont. Much of the data you want hasn't been recorded digitally, so you're
> either going to have to start digitising yourself, or rely on the recent
> work of others. There's a bit of an introduction to our Pottery Kilns of
> Roman Britain map here:
> http://mapdata.thehumanjourney.net/vgswandb_index.html In short, there was
> a lot of manual work involved in that one.
> The problem is going to be license issues. Not all archaeologists are as
> eloquent with their licensing discussions as the OSM community is...
> As Martin said, the key "start_date" might be interesting.
> Cheers, Joseph

Many thanks, much to be going on with. I started with some low-res images of 
roads from Bill Thayer's "LacusCurtius" site:
and after a dozen or so tries managed to get a layer that varied between 10 
metres and 5 km error and am in the process of re-aligning that with the 
sections of Roman roads from OSM (results from using the search for "roman" in 
QGIS->attribute table).

I am also working through "Roman Roads in Britain" by Thomas Codrington to find 
useful information.

I must have had a "blond moment" when I tried searching for "start_date" as I 
got no results there.

I have a small list of references to search for but I just thought/hoped some 
mappers might have bits they have done that don't fit the "visible on the 
ground" requirement.

Copyright and licencing is a concern as I don't really understand the relevant 

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