On 2 January 2012 15:47, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:

> Historic mapping wiki page has yet to be created, but start_date and
> end_date would seem to replace the need for Key:historic:period if accurate
> data is available.
I think the issue is availability of accurate data - I am pretty confident
that I can look at a building and think it is Tudor, or a fortress and
guess that it is Nepoleonic, but guessing the date seem somehow harder to
I would like the tagging to be accessible to non-history buffs, so more
qualitative categories would seem easier than trying to be too precise.  By
all means include start_date if it is known though!

> Having been watching a program recently on the development of various
> industrial areas of the UK, it would seem that there is substantial data
> available to provide historic maps. Development and decline of the railway
> system for example is something I've been gathering historic maps that
> provides considerable accurate timelines.
I like this sort of thing too, which is why we will need more categories
than currently proposed 'modern' is too wide given all the changes in the
20th Century.

> The only question that still has not been addressed is one that covers a
> lot of parallel data. SHOULD it be uploaded to the main database, or should
> we have a working method for linking secondary databases into the rendering
> process. Which to my mind still provides the most logical way forward. But
> at what point does an historic element get degraded to the secondary
> storage area? Or more important ... what classifies historic data as being
> 'main stream'?
> My view is that if it is something that is still there on the ground (e.g.
the ruins of an old tin mine), then it should go in the main database.   If
there is nothing physically to see, it belongs in a specialist historic
map. I haven't thought about how to make this separate map though....


Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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