> A nice side effect could be to further promote OSM within the
> geocaching community. Potentially this should bring in addtional
> mappers as the entrance hurdle for geocachers should not be too high:
> They have GPS units, go outdoors and are typically technically rather
> savy...
> Michael (user Ohr)

That's exactly how I ended up here. I heard about OSM on a geocaching podcast 
back in 2008.

Geocachers are gps-savvy adventurists who love contributing their knowledge of 
places and routes, many are map geeks by nature, so OSM is a perfect complement 
to their hobby.

OSM input by expert cachers = better maps on geocaching.com, a symbiotic 

Likewise, any OSMers who haven't heard of geocaching may want to give it a go 
and add a bit of fun to their mapping expeditions.


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