
On 01/28/2012 01:05 AM, Michal Migurski wrote:
I strongly agree with Nathan and others in this thread who point out
that "critical mass" is impossible to judge without an unambiguous
plan for data deletion from the Foundation.


OSMF should adopt Clean Map and publish a version which reflects the
actual future, with the same performance as the current Mapnik layer.
I'd also like to see a "parallel planet" dump, with all 20GB of data
in the form it will actually take on April 1st, so we can generate
our own downstream works as necessary and predict impact.

I think that realistically, taking into account the time, manpower, and other resources available, you can expect to have an unambiguous plan in the form of a verbal description, or *maybe* at most a script or program that enables you to generate an ODbL planet from the full history file*. But certainly not a definitive, fast, and planet-wide "cleanmap", nor regular planet dumps with the license change rules applied.

I agree these things would be nice to have but I don't see where they should come from. Currently we don't even have the algorithm.

If anyone has the hardware and time and brain capacity to build something that generates "parallel planet files", my recommendation is to start setting this up now, even though the final algorithm might not be clear, so that once the algorithm is published you can react quickly.

Anyone who says "I can't really do anything before I know the exact algorithm" should perhaps take the second half of March off work.


(*) There is no final algorithm. There is "the best that OSMF can come up with" but it will have problems, and there *will* be things deleted which will be reinstated later, and there *will* be things kept which have to be deleted later after a complaint. In a way, the algorithm that OSMF comes up with is just a best guess, much like the algorithm currently used by the OSM inspector.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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