On 28 Jan 2012, at 11:00, Lester Caine wrote:

> Michal Migurski wrote:
>>> >  (*) There is no final algorithm. There is "the best that OSMF can come 
>>> > up with" but it will have problems, and there*will*  be things deleted 
>>> > which will be reinstated later, and there*will*  be things kept which 
>>> > have to be deleted later after a complaint. In a way, the algorithm that 
>>> > OSMF comes up with is just a best guess, much like the algorithm 
>>> > currently used by the OSM inspector.
>> Yeah, but it will come from the OSMF, which makes it authoritative. Unlike 
>> every other tool that has been suggested and developed. Since the algorithm 
>> will be so provisional at launch, there should be a parallel data and tile 
>> service set prior to launch and an old data set and tile service post-launch.
> Can I get a little clarity here ...
> I am assuming that 'undecideds' have until the 1st April to finally make a 
> decision? Which is an utter pain for me since the main blocks I have left now 
> are undecides. The 'declines' can simply be dealt with except where they are 
> wrapped in a large 'undecided' as well.
> Personally I would prefer to see anything left as 'undecided' simply switched 
> to a new user account called 'undecided'. If people have simply disappeared 
> or are simply not 'declining' just to be difficult, then they had their 
> opportunity to decline and didn't? So we just accept that work as clean.

Unfortunately, copyright doesn't work like that – to be allowed to copy 
something, you must have a license – they have not accepted the CTs, and thus 
not granted any license, so we can't use their work.

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