
this is a small heads-up to users of the Geofabrik downloads from download.geofabrik.de.

After the OSM license change is complete and the first ODbL planet is published, it will take another day or so to generate the first round of extracts and shape files, and daily production will then resume normally, with all extracts published under ODbL.

However, to avoid people downloading the new, differently-licensed extracts without knowing, we will change the download URL (most likely from /osm/... to /openstreetmap/...). The last version of the CC-BY-SA extracts will remain, un-updated, under /osm for a while, and then we will make /osm point to a big "url has changed" page.

There will be no automatic redirects.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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