Hi Graham,

I downloaded the svn and I have a decent idea of how to implement a UI,
which I think I could propose in next few mails & discuss with the

Regarding the svn, I cant figure out which module to start from, as I can
see the applications & extensions folders. Could you guide me as to where I
could find the hosted php files/ & in the mediawiki folder, it said thaat
the pages have been moved to -  http://usergroups.openstreetmap.de/

Could you please help me out with the initial glitches, so that I can take
it on from there.


On 22 March 2012 12:54, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Shivansh,
> If you look at the OSM wiki and search for SVN, you will find the links to
> the SVN and GIT repositories for the main OSM code (
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/SVN ).
> It sounds as though your thoughts on what the 'widgets' project idea is
> about are slightly different to what I thought the proposer was thinking
> of.   I think you are thinking of an interactive map where the user can
> interact with map elements to see more information?
> In which case I would recommend looking up kothicjs, which is a client
> side map renderer.  I am sure that code could be extended to add this sort
> of functionality?   It also sounds like a good idea to me - I know a few
> people are using kothicjs now.
> I thought that the 'widget' idea was more about making it easy for
> non-techical users to add maps to blogs etc.   In that case you do not
> really need the main OSM code - you will need to use a map display
> javascript library (openlayers.org or leaflet.cloudmade.com), and get
> that to interact with the blog software etc.
> I think either of these would make good GSoC project proposals.
> Regards
> Graham.
> On 22 March 2012 06:43, Shivansh Srivastava <shivansh.b...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Graham,
>> Thank you for your reply & insights.
>> I have already made my account, & was browsing through the Wiki.
>> Could you give me a link to the svn, so that I can familiarize myself
>> with the working of the code.
>> I have various jQuery (Javascripts) + CSS based ideas in mind.
>> 1. Interactive jQuery Dialog box - the widget can be loaded & it would
>> give a brief description about the place.
>> 2. MouseOver Effect - When mouseover some geographical unit, that
>> part/area will cjane country, when viewed from a large distance.
>> 3. jQuery Tooltip - a descriptive message which passes html element as a
>> parameter onmouseover.
>> 4. Any other such UI which comes to mind from anyone in the community?
>> Could you please send me the link to the git/repo which I need to fork
>> out, to get familiar with the project.
>> Also, I couldnt find the desired repo on -https://github.com/cyclestreets -
>> for the routing panel. If I am missing out on any link, please direct me to
>> it.
>> Cheers,
>> On 19 March 2012 12:51, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thank you for your interest in applying for GSoC with Openstreetmap.
>>> I am sure the person that raised that project idea will reply with some
>>> more information, but here are a few thougts from me.
>>> - It is important to understand the fundamentals of what OSM is, so
>>> please start by creating an account and making some improvements to the map
>>> in your local area.
>>> - It would also be good to look at the data structure so that you
>>> appreciate that OSM is really a database of geographic information which
>>> can be turned into map images.  Details of the xml file format can be found
>>> on our wiki - Provision of map tile images is a secondary service, and a
>>> number of companies provide map tiles based on OSM data.
>>> - I would be very keen on any 'end user' applications like this one
>>> having clear links to a 'how to improve this map' page to help encourage
>>> contributions, not just use the data.
>>> - In terms of your specific questions on the project idea, the idea
>>> listed quite a few features that could be made available - I would search
>>> for these things on the osm wiki to see what is available at the moment,
>>> which you could integrate into widgets.
>>> - I am not familiar with widgets for blogs etc, but as you say, I think
>>> they are javascript programmes which interact with both the host
>>> environment (wiki, blog etc) and the osm based service.   I think it should
>>> be possible to make it a stand alone system where you can say 'copy this
>>> code into your website'?  From your mail I think you know more than me
>>> about this bit though!
>>> Hope that helps.   Please feel free to ask more questions as you develop
>>> your proposal.
>>> Regards
>>> Graham
>>> from my phone
>>> On 19 Mar 2012 03:18, "Shivansh Srivastava" <shivansh.b...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am Shivansh, pursuing Engineering at BITS Pilani, currently in my 3rd
>>> year.
>>> I am well versed in Web Technologies, that include HTML5, JavaScripts
>>> (jQuery),
>>> CSS; with PHP & MySQL and App Development for Windows Phone 7.
>>> I have worked in my college on several websites with the same knowledge.
>>> I had
>>> also given a talk at the 3rd WikiConference held at Mumbai on "Improving
>>> Wiki UI
>>> using AJAX & jQuery" & presented 4 ideas/projects with the Wiki
>>> community.
>>> I am interested in pursuing the *OSM Widget Creator* listed on the
>>> Ideas page.
>>> I have a few queries regarding the same-
>>> 1. Most of it can be done through javascript (more effectively through
>>> jQuery).
>>> But since I am new to OSM, I want to know how would I work on it? Would
>>> it be in
>>> a similar way as MediaWiki, by downloading the software & developing, or
>>> working on
>>> my user common.js?
>>> 2. Could I also be enlightened on the kinds of widget expected to be
>>> developed?
>>> I would like to take the opportunity to learn as much as I can working
>>> on the ideas &
>>> contribute during the summer.
>>> With Regards,
>>> --
>>> Shivansh Srivastava | +91-955-243-5407 |
>>> http://in.linkedin.com/pub/shivansh-srivastava/17/a50/b18<mr.shivansh.srivast...@gmail.com>
>>>  <mr.shivansh.srivast...@gmail.com>Secretary, BITS Alumni Affairs
>>> Division | Web Expert, Newsletter, BITSAA International
>>> 3rd Year Undergraduate | B.E. (Hons.) - Electronics & Instrumentation
>>> BITS-Pilani.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> talk mailing list
>>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
>> --
>> Shivansh Srivastava | +91-955-243-5407 |
>> http://in.linkedin.com/pub/shivansh-srivastava/17/a50/b18<mr.shivansh.srivast...@gmail.com>
>>  <mr.shivansh.srivast...@gmail.com>Secretary, BITS Alumni Affairs
>> Division | Web Expert, Newsletter, BITSAA International
>> 3rd Year Undergraduate | B.E. (Hons.) - Electronics & Instrumentation
>> BITS-Pilani.
> --
> Graham Jones
> Hartlepool, UK.

Shivansh Srivastava | +91-955-243-5407 |
 <mr.shivansh.srivast...@gmail.com>Secretary, BITS Alumni Affairs Division
| Web Expert, Newsletter, BITSAA International
3rd Year Undergraduate | B.E. (Hons.) - Electronics & Instrumentation
talk mailing list

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