Update from Richard F


License change update: getting it right
Posted on April 5, 2012 by RichardF

With the new server successfully installed by our sysadmin team, we’re
now onto the second part of our migration – the data ‘redaction’ work
required to move to the Open Database License. We promised our first
progress report next week, but lots of people have been asking, so
here’s an update four days early.

The code changes to the OpenStreetMap API have been completed and
successfully reviewed. openstreetmap.org is therefore ready to
distribute the new data. (Thanks to Matt Amos for the code and Tom
Hughes for the review work.)

The next part is the ‘redaction bot’. This is the piece of code that,
for an area of OpenStreetMap data, goes through and redacts
(removes/hides) any data that isn’t compatible with the new licence.
This is the most crucial part of the whole process: we aim not to
retain data whose creators haven’t given permission for it to be
distributed under the Open Database License, and conversely, not to
inadvertently delete anything from the vast majority which is

Since Wednesday we’ve been running tests against real-world data
(thanks to Frederik Ramm for help with this). We’re not yet 100% happy
with the results, so we are continuing to work on the code. As you
would expect, we will not set the bot running until we are absolutely
confident that it is producing accurate results. With the four-day
Easter weekend just beginning, we currently expect that this will be
next week. This puts us a few days behind schedule, but we owe it to
our mappers to get this right.

If you’re a developer, you can help fix the currently failing tests:
check out the code at
https://github.com/zerebubuth/openstreetmap-license-change. If you’re
a mapper, this gives you a few more days to get your area shipshape!
And if you’re a data consumer, you can, of course, continue to use the
data under our existing license, CC-BY-SA 2.0.

We’ll have a further update next week and, in any case, before the bot
starts running.

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