p.s. Personally I feel that cycle TRACKS would be much easier to map if drawn as a separate highway=cycleway (despite any challenges the renderers and routers currently have with this) - it just makes things a lot easier!!

No, no,no,no....

As for changing the cycleway key values:

If we do that, we actually loose too much information. Yes, changing the current cycleway key, could be a rather good idea. But don't replace it by something not better.

If we want to change it, then we should
a) wait for the editors to support proper lane mapping
b) wait for the editors to support proper junction mapping

c) think about how to do it once the above is working and accepted. Don't change the cycleway key now. It ain't perfect, but with :left and :right it covers most situations and it isn't difficult to understand.

Some places for thought:


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