On 29 May 2012 11:01, Thomas Davie <tom.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I remember correctly (someone correct me if I don't), a lawyer has agreed 
> that it's okay to keep node positions and ways where a user would reasonably 
> have created the same way from an ODbL compatible data source.

I don't know if a lawyer has said that, but I think it's unlikely to
apply to tracing from imagery, first because the node positions are so
unlikely to match if recreated from imagery, and secondly because
Potlatch, I think, now has a whole mode designed to get rid of
original node positions and add new ones quickly.  (It's still a huge
simplification with many open questions -- what about the
directionality of ways where the direction is not significant, i.e. no
oneway=yes tag -- this information could constitute a protected
database on its own but all the "remapping" methods retain such


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