It is an important point of difference to train and bus stations/stops as
to whether they have a dedicated Park and Ride carpark or not. It is
something I would find useful if I was searching for station POI's.  It's
not just whether parking is nearby, but whether it's dedicated to commuters
- not something you can figure out just from how close the parking is.  And
it is information that belongs to the station, not the carpark.

On the other hand, I'm not sure that just adding parking=-yes on the
station/stop is the best way to tag this.


On 13 June 2012 22:23, Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:

> I don't think that amenity=bus_stop parking=yes does make any sense.
> You can park in a lot of places, shall we add parking=yes to all of
> them? You can also chew gum there, should we also add
> chew_chewing_gum=yes?
> A parking is an area, a bus stop is more or less a point. If the two
> are close, you can see this in the db (and potentially also, if there
> are any linear barriers between them). IMHO there is no need or sense
> in combining the two, but if I were to emphasize on a parking with
> annected bus stop I'd see it as an extra property of the parking, not
> the bus stop.
> cheers,
> Martin
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