2012/7/3 Tapio Sokura <oh2...@iki.fi>:
> Can someone confirm that tracklogs automatically archived by newer
> generation Garmins can contain more than 10k points and/or have had more
> than 20 or 200 automatically archived GPX files in the device at one time?

AFAIK at least the 62series does not store every second a point  but
instead does some smoothing on the track (i.e. it will contain less
points than one per second, but it will probably not be what you
want). I don't own a 62series device but a friend of mine does and
when I borrowed it I couldn't manage to get "raw" tracklogs logged,
neither to the sd-card nor to the internal memory. Please note that
with raw tracklogs I intend positions and timestamps as with the older
60csx, actually these logs are never "raw", neither on the older
60csx:, they are always position data calculated from the raw signal
by some secret algorithm (you can notice this for instance when
entering into a tunnel and the track continues in the former direction
for a short time even when there is no reception at all).


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