(Skipping all this, because obviously you are not that well informed
about how this situation with Ukraine came into being)

> So, my questions to you are
> 1. The concrete question: Should all name tag in the Crimea be in 
> Russian (with appropriate name:uk tags of course), even though the 
> official language in Ukraine is Ukrainian?

Oficial language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. Even Russia doesn't dispute
that. So, *in my opinion*, no.

> 2. The general question: What exactly is the "local" language in an area 
> - can we come up with some rule of thumb that says "if X% of people in 
> an area of at least Y sq km use the language..." or so?

I think it always have been local *official* language.

As always, for other languages, including Russian, there is name:ru=*


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