"Petr Morávek [Xificurk]" wrote:
Actually 'lang' could be populated from a higher level area setting
Well, it could be... but I'm not really a fan of this idea, because...
You would need to do a spatial query to get the setting from the higher
level. And this complicates everything, because...
- Things (multipolygons & boundaries especially) get broken pretty
frequently, so a single bug in one relation or way could do a lot of damage.
- It means that you have to check a whole hierarchy to decide if you
need to regenerate the value, which means this would order of magnitude
harder to implement in data consumers SW.
- Not all data consumers use whole planet data and if they cut out only
a small region, they don't have the higher level in their data.
- You would need to define how to resolve conflicts, e.g. a way spanning
multiple areas with defined lang format.

I'm just talking about an initial setup to get things started.

>This sidesteps a number of problems in implementation, my only comment
>would be as I indicated. lang="it - de" or "de / it" needs to be a
>single identifiable character. Formatting should be language specific
>when building a 'text=" string, and that could be populated in a
>language specific way for the users preference anyway?
I don't really understand this. To clarify, my suggestion was basically
this: let the lang format be arbitrary, just replace any string matching
"[a-z_]+" by key:[a-z_]+. E.g.

lang="it - de" => name="Bolzano - Bozen"
lang="it (de)" => name="Bolzano (Bozen)"
lang="it / de" => name="Bolzano / Bozen"

While I can understand why you propose this, it makes 'decoding' the languages by tools a little more difficult, and 'hard codes' a format, which alternative uses may need to replace? Does hard coding the display format here make sense in general terms?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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