Am 29.07.2012 08:37, schrieb Arun Ganesh:

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Frederik Ramm < <>> wrote:


    On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 23:39:56 +0530
    Arun Ganesh <
    <>> wrote:
    > It is quite painful to see that countless hours of effort has been
    > deleted for no fault of my own. Is this just the result of the osm
    > data model where tags cannot exist without geometries, or were these
    > tags considered as being dirty and were legally supposed to be

    I think the former is correct.

This is good news for a start. We essentially have a UI problem, and if solved, will help getting back the most useful bits of the lost data back into osm.

    If you go through the history planet file and create a list that goes:

    "somewhere in the world there is a way that has the properties
    name=Bingbong Street, maxspeed=30" (provided that both these
    were added by agreers) then it would be ok to publish that list and
    even use it to add to OSM. I don't see how it can be much help though,
    especially if it contains info like "somewhere in the world there
    is an
    object with wheelchair=yes and opening_times=so-and-so" ;)

The most easily identifiable data that I see are those that have name tags. What if you have a list view alongside a map, which is populated based on your current view and zoom level?
Then you use geometry information that's not there any more out of license issues, so there cannot be something like "based on your current view", there can only be a list, not ordered by geography, of sets of tags.
For ways, this can have additional information like the length of the way and orientation to assist mappers who lost their tags to identify where the original way was.
Length of way and orientation are derived from geometry only, and geometry isn't valid in terms of ODBL.
For POIs, you could have the name of the street beside which it was located and also distance and orientation from the nearest place=* node
and again you need the information of "beside" and "orientation" - which consists of coordinates and therefore the geometry information.
There are probably better ideas, but its an absolute shame that clean and extremely valuable data is lost because the data model does not support its existence.

Probably, if you have a good idea that is useful on the one hand, can be implemented (e.g. by you), and does not require the use of non-odbl-data to be derived, it may be possible to introduce as a new tool; but I don't see a way to do that.

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