Paul Norman wrote:
If you assume wall=no buildings attached to buildings without a wall
> >tag can be combined, I would estimate that the number of ways is at
> >least 1.5x what it needs to be.
>-1, I'd suggest building=roof for those that are roofs. IMHO it is nice
>to distinguish them. Why do you think that mappers wouldn't do this as
>If it's different buildings attached to each other they shouldn't be a
>single blob.
In the recent talk@ discussions most mappers who commented on the issue of
how they'd normally map the examples given said they'd do it as one
building. If we were talking about houses and garages or carports I could
see doing it as two, but as indicated above, these aren't that large.

My current practice is to work against 'house number' so I'm slowly splitting semi's and terraces so that each has it's own house number. I'm not making any distinction between single story and two or more story - something which I think the Cadastre data does provide extra detail for but without tags in the raw data - only splitting a property where there is a detached garage or other structure on the same land parcel. Car ports are just part of the one profile and I'm not at the moment mapping 'patio areas' which seem to get attached as buildings without walls? Pavement cafe terraces and the like should be correctly tagged as such.

The problem *I* am seeing with the cadastre data I have looked at is that a building is not simply one or two profiles, but several seemingly unrelated elements all strange shapes and not relating to the imagery. Since there is no explanation of the detail my feeling was that these SHOULD all have been combined into a single element in the raw processing until such time as real detail of a difference was available? I'd EVEN be happy with a 'bot' going around the current data and combining adjacent or overlapping buildings into one where there IS no other tagging? This would at least give a better representation of what is known and I believe would substantially reduce the number of building elements?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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