Am 11.10.2012 10:20, schrieb Kevin Peat:
On 10 October 2012 21:22, Richard Weait <> wrote:
What are the results?
The most common comment quality is 18.
Half of all accounts have comment quality from 13 to 36.
Bots usually have comment quality under one.

Equating changeset comment quality with mapper quality is total BS.
Descriptive comments are helpful to other mappers but that is all.
They don't tell you anything about the quality of the changes.

I think that in well mapped areas if your contributions persist over
time then probably you are a good mapper. If your changesets are
frequently reverted or your contributions are quickly edited by others
then probably not.
But for the "quickly edited by others" part -1:
If these changes refer to different attributes, that's totally fine.
A mapper who maps streets, but isn't interested in the surface tag or width, another mapper active in the same region is and adds that regularly later, it's totally fine. But: Probably it's true that frequent changes of other mappers at existing tags mapper A added before is a good hint for a bad mapper.


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