Isometimes work on Senegal from Bing imagery,and I'll hopefully convince some Senegalese friends to help me with names and POI. I took a look at the competition's progress and I have been very impressed : whereas Openstreetmap could formerly claim better coverage in Africa, it is now lagging in volume behind Google - take a look at (equivalent area in OSM at Google now features impressive mileage of dirt tracks and residential dirt streets in obscure backwaters.

Surely the Google survey cars are not roaming those places - or I would be astonished. Does anyone knows how they do it ?A couple of years ago, I had posted my suspicions about them using automated tracing techniques in general and street grid detection in particular: - but since then it seems that their techniques have improved a lot. Does anyone have information about the technology they use and how it could benefit OSM ? Maybe they just have an army of tracers, but automation seems more like how Google solves problems.

Last time played with it, the results of the Bing road detect API did not look satisfactory to me- but there may have been progress since those early days. But wouldn't road detection perform better using imagery in different bands -multispectral or even hyperspectral imagery ? The Bing satellite imagery render uses false color images fit for pleasant human use- but surely the rawcaptured data is richer. Are there any remote sensing specialist here to enlighten about that ?

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