Record a list of objects and monitor the minutely diffs for anything
touching them. Additionally, if interested in areas, watch for any nodes
created or moved into those areas.


Bonus points if you get it watching for deletes.


I have given thought to coding something like this - there are a few areas I
have to watch as a member of the DWG since they're subject to frequent



From: Alex Rollin [] 
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 8:19 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Tracking Something/Anything in OSM


How does one monitor something? 


If there is a list of schools that is maintained by a school district, is it
possible that the school district can be notified if one of the
nodes/ways/items is changed?


Can someone take 2 minutes to write down what is involved in this?


Terms like "ask the api for information about the object" is the level of
understanding I have of this.


Is it possible?


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