On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:21 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe) <li...@letuffe.org>wrote:

> On lundi 12 novembre 2012, ciprian niculescu wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hi,

> > I'm wondering why it don't exist the possibility to have minutely updates
> > (or hourly) for a country?
> Short answer : because no one bothered to provide that for all countries.
:) uuu not good

> Medium size answer : It does exists for some areas as christian pointed to.
> And a process exists to generate those, still, what is missing is someone
> to
> run it on a (several) server(s) and provide minutely diffs extracts.
nice, and the procedure is? :)

> Longer answer : The motivation might be low to provide such a service, low
> to
> keep pushing forward that way of doing because it isn't really flexible
> (You
> might need country X, but someone else will need country Y and some other
i see, so it don't scale up, it works if you want a particular area

> will need an arbitrary area) while there are other ways to achieve the same
> result, for example using
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Augmented_Diffs
> to split diffs at consumer side.
> Tought, there isn't (AFAIK) tools to handle that now.

i've fast read the page and look good, i'll read all the parts, and put my
questions after.

>  > I don't know what implies to make it. As far as i understand OSM to
> > host/distribute hourly diff for country, it's something like:
> > - do a minutely/hourly updates for the planet => result the planet.osm
> > - do a split of the planet.osm on the polygons of the country
> > - do a diff between the old-osm-contry and the new one => results the
> > hourlly diff for the country
> >
> > Is this process wright?
> That's one possible workflow for such a process (working directly on
> planet.osm files however won't go anywhere due to time needed to process
> the
> planet file IMHO, but storing it into some more indexed format, why not)

yes and/or doing some pre-filtering of things that are not needed/intended
for the end use.
Let me explain: For editing the OSM map, doing it directly in the main DB
is ok, beacouse the rendering of main slippy map is updated in minutes, but
what if i update others data (in my case the public transport), i want to
see the changes fast, not after 24h.
For one zone i see the way, but i wanted to do it as global as possible as
maybe others need this type of service.

> The other workflow would be to rely on special diffs (like Augmented_Diffs)
> and split those diffs according to your needs.
> The generation of planet Augmented Diffs beeing dedicated to some servers
> while consumers splits at client side.

> --
> sly
> qui suis-je : http://sly.letuffe.org
> email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org
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