On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Robin Paulson <ro...@bumblepuppy.org> wrote:
> i've done some quite detailed editing near where i live, i'd appreciate
> anyone who is interested taking a look and responding.
> i'm not sure what to make of the result. for one, my partner, a non-mapper,
> has told me she finds it very confusing, which potentially raises questions

Hi Robin,

I find that my mapping preferences have changed over time, and
continue to do so.  Also, there is a range of mapping preferences in
the community.  Some prefer to add more detail, some add less.

Your mapping of your neighbourhood seems closer to the "more detail"
end of the scale. :-)

I expect you'll find a broad range of responses to your mapping, but
most importantly, what do you think of it?  Is that a level of detail
that you would like to continue with, as you map the rest of your

Best regards and happy mapping,

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