
Hundreds of man-years of developer time... and still a person with
average computer literacy cannot add a table to an article!

Maybe ease-of-use is not a priority for them? I could imagine a lot of
arguments against having a full WYSIWYG editor in Wikipedia.

Regardless, their achievements speak for themselves - billions of page
views per month, something like 500 million unique visitors per month,
#5 website on the internet etc. etc. so they must be doing something

Anyway, I think I am finished with discussion in this thread, I just
want to say that I'm looking forward to some concrete suggestions from
you that are backed by data or examples.

My impression from this discussion is that some people cling to the idea
that stuff is black or white. Either we have funding/staff and become a
corporation with "a lot of overhead" or we stay what we are today. If
you think in such binary way there's no room for discussion or at least
the discussion is very painful because there will always be some
loophole you will find and grab at it to tear down any new ideas or
directions that are different from your own.

That's OK, I don't mind, I am not discouraged by this, although it
definitely would be better if there was more people who would say
"great, let's do it" or "let's try it" instead of trying to come up with
reasons why not to do it.

Thankfully it's an open project so we can try different approaches, so
again - I look forward to what you come up with and I also hope for
myself that I can finish some stuff I have started and maybe even make
some moves towards organizing funding, although I wouldn't know where to
start with that...


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