2013/1/27 Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>:
> Gervase Markham wrote:
>>> Who do we need to talk to or where do we need to file a bug to get this
>>> request considered officially?
>> Anyone?
> If you want to make it happen, the best way to do this is to take part in
> the project to port the current stylesheet to Carto:
>     https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto
> and to make sure that the resulting stylesheet is actually capable of
> rendering at z19 convincingly. (The current XML one isn't.)

IMHO there is no connection between the port to a different style
sheet language and the decision which zoom level gets rendered. The
current XML would render sufficiently well when you remove the
minscale_zoom=18 filters. If "convincingly" implies different
font-sizes and styles, line widths etc. for the step from 18 to 19,
this is something that could be fixed in later iterations.

> Beyond that, it'll take some investigation into what extra hardware burden
> z19 will impose. Perhaps you could help by running some tests into that?

Space requirements depend mostly on the actual usage (how many of them
would be created). I guess it wouldn't make sense to prerender them
and rendering on the fly seems to work quite well as there is much
less data than even in zoom 18 which already renders fast. On data
changes in the area they could be dropped instead of putting them into
a dirty queue.


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