(Sorry I'm late back to this discussion.)

On 27/01/13 11:39, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> If you want to make it happen, the best way to do this is to take part in
> the project to port the current stylesheet to Carto:
>     https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto
> and to make sure that the resulting stylesheet is actually capable of
> rendering at z19 convincingly. (The current XML one isn't.)

I'm happy to cheerfully admit that I'm requesting that this happen
without resources to back it up. So I'm not going to get all entitled
:-) If z19 happens, count me as someone cheering you on! If not, no

> Beyond that, it'll take some investigation into what extra hardware burden
> z19 will impose. Perhaps you could help by running some tests into that?

I'm not sure I have the capability to do that. :-| I'd anticipate a max
of 4x the disk space needed by z18, as others have said, but less if we
are smart about it and e.g. only render certain latitudes, or densely
populated areas, or render on demand.


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