On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 20:08:11 Maarten Deen wrote:
> On 2013-02-14 11:59, Andrew Errington wrote:
> > In Korea we also have named junctions at overpasses, so the junction
> > name is
> > where the two roads cross (or meet) but they physically don't join
> > because
> > one road is on a bridge over the other, and there are sliproads to
> > move
> > between them.
> >
> > In the third case we could tag the four nodes at the beginning of each
> > slip
> > road.  Or put the nodes in a relation.  Or draw a big area covering
> > the
> > entire junction.
> Junction names on exits or junctions of motorways is common practise:
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.3934&lon=6.12683&zoom=15&layers=M>
> (Knooppunt Zaarderheiken is the name tag, e.g.
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/42529258>)
> > I could post this question on the talk-ko list and ask what Korean
> > users would
> > expect to see.
> And talk-jp for Japan. I see little use in discussing how we would like
> to do it. openstreetmap.jp has a map, but it looks to be the standard
> slippy map. Has noone there seen this as a big enough problem to make
> their own rendering and start mapping the junctions?

Ah, yes, I already do put the name of the junction on the motorway exit, but I 
have not noticed if this would apply to other named junctions (they are 
signed differently but conceptually they might be the same).  It would be 
simple enough to adopt this for lower classes of road.

One of the problems we have in Japan and Korea is that they already have 
awesome free maps online.  Much better than Google, with lots of features and 
resources, and everyone can use them to full effect on their smartphones.  
That in conjunction with satnavs in every car means that OSM has no purpose 
other than a pleasant hobby here, which I am very happy to continue.  One day 
someone will make use of it and release a killer app that everyone will want 
to use.

Best wishes,


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