2013/2/21 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>:
> Nice :) I just wanted to point out a paragraph on the tool which IMHO
> is bad advice :
>> Sometimes the name of a country in the selected language (the value of the 
>> name:xx-Tag)
>> is identical to the name of this country in the native language of this 
>> country .... You may delete
>> those name:xx-Tags without changing anything in the effective Name.
> The recent multilingual map has demonstrated that it is actually *not*
> ok to leave out the name:xx tag if it is identical to the name tag.

+1, at least as long as we don't store the default/official
language(s) for a feature, the name:xx tag should not be removed, even
if it is a duplicate of the name tag.


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