I have been working on an indoor editor for OSM. Using a new
indoor-specific editor or not, it is easy to add indoor map data to
OSM. But doing this places a lot of data in the database that appears
very ugly and very difficult to work with for a person not well versed
in indoor maps in osm. Basically it looks like garbage.

Indoor map data is a good candidate to use for an additional "Layer"
in OSM. And by layer here I don't mean a tile layer on the OSM slippy
map, as was used in this thread, or data tagged with the "layer"
property tag. I mean a separate database layer. There has been talk
about layers a number of times. I looked up one of the most recent
discussions and pulled out this link from Jochen Topf discussing the


Jochen's proposal is to implement "Layers" of the data by just using a
different instance of the database.

The same idea was suggested to me by John Novak, of using a new
instance of the database to host indoor map data. And he specifically
suggested petitioning to use the US servers to host this database. If
nothing else, the separate database could be used as a staging area to
test the idea of indoor map data and allow it to get some support in
other editing tools before introducing the data into the regular
database. Or maybe it would just stay as a separate layer.

So if there are resources available I'd propose using them to create a
copy of the database and the associated infrastructure to serve as a
Indoor Map database. And I am sure there are other layers that would
also be useful.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
>> From: Jason Remillard [mailto:remillard.ja...@gmail.com]
>> Subject: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org
>> Hello Everybody,
>> I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
>> is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue. Basically, we do
>> not have enough disk, cpu, bandwidth, and people to host them in the UK.
> The only layer which uses OSMF resources is the layer labeled "Standard",
> also known as osm.org mapnik. Given that others[1] are successfully
> providing a wide variety of layers, it doesn't seem like devoting OSMF
> resources to another worldwide non-debug layer is necessary.
>> So assuming: we can host them on the US OSM servers, the servers can
>> handle it, and the map quality is good, etc, etc.  Would there be any
>> problem adding the following map layers to osm.org?
> I don't think these concerns should impact if it goes on osm.org, but a
> world-wide tile layer can take substantial resources, and is this what local
> chapter wants to be doing?
> [1] e.g. http://mapstyle.petschge.de/
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