Hi Steve,

TileMill is not designed for that kind of application (running as a live
server with no cache), though it will work 'a bit'.

So: it doesn't do caching - you'll want a cache. Look at CloudFront,
nginx's cache, varnish, squid, and so on.

Tuning the database: check that you have all possible indexes installed and
the data is in EPSG:900913.

The long-term answer is switching to something designed to be a live-server
(mod_tile, TileStache) or rendering your tiles and serving them from
MBTiles (with TileStache or TileStream).


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>   (First - is this the right list to discuss using TileMill? I can
> only find the MapBox support form, or gis.stackexchange.)
> I'm having some problems with TileMill rendering very slowly.
> Sometimes it seizes up altogether, until I restart it or reboot the
> server. This seems to happen particularly when I frequently interrupt
> rendering by saving the stylesheet again.
> My setup is a 2-core, 8Gb Ubuntu VM running on an OpenStack cluster.
> PostGIS (with Melbourne city data from bbbike.org), nginx for auth,
> and one shapefile. Pretty vanilla.
> I have a few questions about how to improve speed in TileMill/Mapnik:
> 1) In general, what kinds of rendering rules are slow? Does the way
> you specify a rule affect the speed? (eg, is [zoom>13] { #ways[...] }
> slower/faster than #ways[...][zoom>13] ?)
> 2) How does caching take place? It seems to me that when saving a
> stylesheet with changes, there's a long delay before anything renders,
> then subsequent small changes aren't too slow. So some layers are
> computed once then reused?
> 3) Are there any easy tips for tuning the database?
> 4) Or tuning TileMill/Mapnik?
> 5) Watching 'top' during a render, it doesn't look like much memory is
> being used. Is there a way to trade memory for speed?
> 6) Does setting a layer invisible definitely prevent it being
> computed? Sometimes I think I'm going mad...
> 7) Lastly,will adding cores lead to a proportional increase in speed?
> Thanks very much in advance,
> Steve
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