On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Tom MacWright <t...@macwright.org> wrote:
> TileMill is not designed for that kind of application (running as a live
> server with no cache), though it will work 'a bit'.
> So: it doesn't do caching - you'll want a cache. Look at CloudFront, nginx's
> cache, varnish, squid, and so on.

I might have been a bit unclear: I'm not trying to serve up
pre-computed tiles to the public. I'm just doing style development, so
rendering tiles to see what it looks like. So I don't think caching of
pre-rendered tiles is an issue?

> Tuning the database: check that you have all possible indexes installed and
> the data is in EPSG:900913.

Can you elaborate on "all possible indexes"? :) Where can I read up on
this stuff?

> The long-term answer is switching to something designed to be a live-server
> (mod_tile, TileStache) or rendering your tiles and serving them from MBTiles
> (with TileStache or TileStream).


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