Am 17.03.2013 15:34, schrieb Jason Remillard:
Hi Paul,

There was some discussion at the EWG about POI display being targeted at
mappers vs. end users. Which is this aiming at?

It is very disappointing to me that this is even being asked.
Örm, IMO there are no questions that are not worth beeing discussed.

To me it's a sensible question: When I'm on the road, trying to get somewhere, my needs are different to when I'm on the road mapping. So any UI designer needs to think about the needs of the ones who are going to use the UI.

> Not sure
how we going to get large enough to actually maintain all of our data.
Following the 1% rule, hundreds of millions of end users will be
needed somehow, somewhere. If we don't want "users" actually using our
web site then whats the plan,
When you talk about Users, who are you talking about? To me, the users of are a) mappers, who use the site to veryfiy their work and b) people using (or aiming at using) the data in their projects, mashups, products or papers.

I, personally, don't see my neighbour, planning a trip to his parents, as a user of *although* he may be a user of the openstreetmap-data, nicely presented in another project.

My reasons for this are not political or religious, they are just practical: the needs of my neighbour as a trip-planner collide with my needs as a mapper.

> I guess we are hoping google and apple
eventually add OSM as a base layer?
Or someone like MapQuest, Stamen,, ... to take our data and present it nicely, giving us credit and routing possible mappers back to our mapper-targeted page.


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