Am 24.03.2013 15:10, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
But there were times when it was easier for the Europeans to "help
themselves", i.e propose a patch for one of the 2 main open map styles
(osmarender and mapnik) and have hope that it would be integrated
(actually in Osmarender you could simply change whatever you felt was
reasonable). AFAIK almost all recently closed mapnik tickets were
marked either invalid, won't fix, worksforme or duplicate, but I
couldn't find hardly anything that actually got integrated.

Currently ist's really hard for anyone (not just Europeans) to do any change to the mapnik style due tu its complexity. That's why nobody really works on it; not because they don't care but because its freaking hard to get the style to do exactly what you want without destroying sth. else.

Well, someone *is* working on it, he's porting it to Carto to make it accessable for the broader public, too:

So your best option would be to fork the above mentioned repo, incorporate your changes, do some test-renderings of areas in Japan/Korea *and* Europe and put all together into a pull request.

The carto style is not yet deployed on but I'm really sure it will land there, soon. The more new features it has over the current style, the sooner.


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