On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 22:45:28 Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Are you in touch with mappers in Japan or Korea, and if so, what is
> their opinion regarding intersection names? Are they waiting for someone
> to tell them what to do, or have they invented some kind of hack to add
> this (according to you) very important information? If they haven't,
> then why not?

*I* am mapping in Korea.  I would like to see intersection names rendered on 
the map.  In fact, a long time ago I read about it in the wiki, which claimed 
that junction=yes can be used in conjunction with a name=* tag:

Naturally, I assumed that a named junction would be labelled on the map, since 
what is the point of recording something if it's not used?  Also if something 
is documented in the wiki then it's real, and can be relied upon.  As it 
turns out, this is not the case, so what's the point?

I suggested to Hans that he could enter a suggestion in the OSM Mapnik 
rendering trac database, as described here: 

Since, according to the wiki "To report bugs or graphical suggestions for the 
main map on the OSM webside, do so in the 'mapnik' component of OSM's trac"

That's exactly what he did.  So what else is he supposed to do?  Perhaps the 
wiki should be edited to state "don't bother making graphical suggestions 
because the system is too unwieldy now and we dare not change it".

And it *is* important.  In my original reply to Hans I said that I showed the
osm.org map to a Korean friend who was looking very hard for a named junction
to orient herself with the map, but it wasn't labelled.  

Mapping in Korea is going very slowly, not because of this issue of course, 
but because there is no *need* for OSM.  Koreans have great mapping services 
via the portal sites Daum and Naver.  They both blow Google and other mapping 
services out of the water.  I'm still happy to contribute to OSM as I 
recognise its long-term importance though.

Best wishes,


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