On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 01:48:31 Christian Quest wrote:
> I wanted to try rendering those crossroad names so I've had a quick
> look in Korea, near Seoul and found many nodes with names around
> intersecting highways.
> Example: http://osm.org/browse/node/414684650
> What is the current tagging scheme for crossroad names ? junction=yes ?
> Is it used in countries where crossroad names are meaningful and worth
> rendering on a map ?
> Based on the few data I've looked at, there are nodes with names but
> not connected to highways and without any tag allowing to say "this
> looks like a crossroad name that I should render".

That's how it is I'm afraid, and that is a good example.  I'd suggest that 
node needs an additional tag - junction=yes - as described in the wiki to 
make it very clear.  It should also be merged with the node at the 
intersection of the two ways that actually form the crossroads.

There are many 'floating nodes' like this, which are not attached to any way.  
They are from an import that was done a couple of years ago.  Some of these 
nodes are near ways, and should be merged into the way.  Some of them are not 
near anything, but there is probably a road there that hasn't been drawn yet.  
Since they are from an import they should probably be verified by local 
mappers before being attached to a way, especially as there is also a *huge* 
amount of redevelopment happening here almost constantly.  We could argue 
that without that import things would be better, but then there'd be nothing 
to see.  Korea is a bit of a mess really, but it's moving on slowly.

Best wishes,


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