Always ask the income question last a lot of people will refuse to answer
that and any following questions.  You'll get better responses with an age
range and on income in you ask for bands ie 15-25, 25-50, etc.and perhaps
average, above average, below average on income though why you'd be
interested in income I'm not sure.

I especially like retried, I take in we're interested in how many get
taught mapping in prison then get out after a retrial?

Cheerio John

On 27 June 2013 19:01, Bryce Nesbitt <> wrote:

> If my OSM profile page had the following, I would fill it out:
> *--------Demographic survey----------------------------*
> You last updated this section in October 2011
> *
> *
> Privacy:
> [ ] hide for now [ ] show to all logged in mappers [ ] show to
> administrators [*] reveal in aggregate only for qualified research studies.
> Demographics:
> Year of birth _____ [x]
> Gender identity_____ [x]
> Income_______ [x]
> Other hobbies:_____________________________ [x]
> Employment status: [student/employed/part time
> employed/unemployed/retried] [x]
> Survey question from University of Hypothetical (due April 2014):
> Did anyone from the OSM community greet you when you first started mapping?
> [
>             ][x]
> Survey question from University of Underwear (due May 2014):
> Do you ever wear OSM underwear when mapping?
> [
>             ][x]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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