A sore point for prisoners is surveys don't have a checkbox for their
occupation :-).
So clearly it should be: Occupation: [student,full time, part time,
retired, homemaker, prisoner, welfare, ward of the state, trust fund

The idea of centralizing demographic questions in the OSM profile, however,
is serious.
All questions are meant to be optional.
Access to the data would be only for approved and qualified research

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:35 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Always ask the income question last a lot of people will refuse to answer
> that and any following questions.  You'll get better responses with an age
> range and on income in you ask for bands ie 15-25, 25-50, etc.and perhaps
> average, above average, below average on income though why you'd be
> interested in income I'm not sure.
> I especially like retried, I take in we're interested in how many get
> taught mapping in prison then get out after a retrial?
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