Some of the issues you raise seem to be solved in e.g.

There are some very useful maps out there umap, openlinkmap,
geschichtskarten, hikebike map, etc. each serving a different audience. It
would be great to see all that functionality combined in 1 uber-map. Google
does this to a certain extend (umap + openlinkmap + routing).  But what
happens to usability when you keep adding information, rendering of obscure
POIs ? How do you hide irrelevant information, or just show that special
piece of data ? That are some nice challenges imho.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Guillaume Pratte <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been a serious user of OpenStreetMap for less than six months, and
> I am proud to recently have achieved my one hundredth contribution to the
> project. I really love the OpenStreetMap project, and I would like to
> replace my daily usage of Google Maps with OpenStreetMap.
> But it just seems I cannot. Anybody else feel the same issues?
> I'll give a few concrete examples why, humbly hoping that my words can
> encourage changes to the main website.
> First point: searching. I have OpenStreetMap zoomed in to some region of
> Montreal, Canada. I input "café", looking for a coffee shop. I get results
> from Nominatim, inviting me to visit a village in Brazil named "Café" or
> even the "Café point" in Antarctica. While these search results awaken my
> globetrotter's desire to explore the world, they frustrate me at the same
> time. Why couldn't Nominatim priorize results from the bounding box or
> surrounding? Why can't OpenStreetMap show me results on the map like the
> OverPass API does, performing a search on the tag amenity=cafe and showing
> the results on the map?
> Second point: accessing POI information. I cannot click on point of
> interests (POI) to get more info about them. Why do we input address,
> business hours and phone numbers on shops and restaurants if the map cannot
> easily display this information to the user? Why do I have to show the
> map's data in order to have information on a point of interest?
> Third point: maximum zoom level. Some area are densely populated, and
> OpenStreetMap's current zoom level is not enough to see all details of the
> map. This is really unfortunate. Example: 
> are the restaurant surrounding the Hard Rock Café on this map? I have
> to use the editor to be able to zoom and see all data.
> Fourth point: sharing a point of interest. There should be an easy way to
> do that. I have found a (complicated) way to do it, which is all but
> obvious to newcomers. Here is how:
>         • Using the layer icon at the top right of the map, I select
> "Browse Map Data";
>         • I select the object I want to share (which is not always
> possible; sometimes it is "hidden" behind a residential area or similar);
>         • I click on "Details"
>         • On the resulting page, I click on "View way on larger map"
>         • I get an URL similar to this that I can share:
> Fifth point: routing. Why is there absolutely no routing implemented on
> the main OpenStreetMap website? This is I concede a naïve question, as it
> might be simply because of limited server resources. Once we have our new
> servers, is this something we want to implement, as a community?
> I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able to use it
> as a primary map instead of Google Maps. I feel resolving these issues
> would bring me many steps closer to making that dream come true.
> What do you all think? Do you also have showstoppers that prevent you to
> use OpenStreetMap as your primary and daily map?
> Guillaume
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