Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns wrote:
If you are so confused with how map works it not much of a work to use any
JavaScript library to embed OSM map in any page to look and act how you like it.
I might be missing something but I don't quite don't understand where is the
problem here?

Advertising OSM ...

Over the last year I've slowly moved a number of legacy sites from using google location maps to simple 'OSM' ones. With a link to the 'large map' and a link to yours or osrm for routing. With a view to providing my own routing page at some point. Yes I can switch back to my own servers, but that will take time, and that is the one commodity everybody is saying we don't have. Currently 'yours' seems to have lost the scale navigation altogether? My own copy still has the older style bars but for some reason is no longer 'routing' :( OSRM actually fits better with the new style, but will not even display properly on the android tablet, which is why I was back with yours ... there was a nicely functional suite of tools ... today some of the cross working is different ... and I'd missed that originally when the new style appeared!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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