Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Why not do the same here? Get a few people together who want the zoom
bar/old stylesheets/whatever. Build a power user's mapping site. Use PHP or
whatever language you're comfortable with. Start small - just an instance
with the features you really need. But it could grow to have oodles more
tile layers, talk to the public OSRM API for routing, be tightly integrated
with JOSM, all the stuff that we can't expose on for QC/scaling
reasons but which would work fine on a more niche site. And if you have good
ideas, some might filter back to, just as JOSM features occasionally
pop up in P2 or iD.

I'm already on that path :) Have OSRM and Yours working along with the legacy mapserver stuff. That is what I've been working through for the first part of this year, and now have most of the key elements running on local machines, but I'm NOT happy with the way leaflet is working when it comes to tablet/smartphone. So it's either fix that, or switch to an alternative that does perform better?

Added to that ... I've just had a 'complaint' from a web hosting customer who has spotted the 'new' style and was confused as he was used to simply clicking on the scale bar for a quick zoom in. Again holding 'shift' down does not work on his tablet, so he is stuck with clicking the + several times ... which is now on the other side of the screen from the map insert ... I've disabled the 'directions to' for the time being until I can work out an alternative which matches! Perhaps I do have to switch back to Google :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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